Seconds Cantaloupes – Tomato Confit

Seconds Cantaloupes – Tomato Confit

The best cantaloupes I ever ate were from Martin’s Farmstand on the side of a road outside Kutztown, Pennsylvania. They never disappointed. Juicy, supple, and floral, they were nothing like the crunchy, virtually tasteless melons from the supermarket or those presented hopefully, but always disappointingly, 

Even A Perfect Recipe Needs a Tweak – Pasta e Fagioli

Even A Perfect Recipe Needs a Tweak – Pasta e Fagioli

Many years ago, my wife’s colleague from work taught me to make her family tomato sauce. It was the recipe I had been looking for, hearty, flavorful, and not too soupy over pasta. I finally had a perfect, homemade pasta sauce, and I cooked it 

Cooking for Others – Beet Salad with Arugula, Goat Cheese, and Caramelized Pecans

Cooking for Others – Beet Salad with Arugula, Goat Cheese, and Caramelized Pecans

In the mid-1980s when I was in high school, we held a series of memorable multi-day gatherings at our friend Jody’s house that came to be known as the “Swarthmore Parties.” I think there were two such events, possibly three, obviously at times when Jody’s 

A Family Habit – Jeanette’s Brownies

A Family Habit – Jeanette’s Brownies

My grandmother Jeanette, who died in the 1980s, had an odd habit that was passed on to my mother a number of years ago. I’m sure someday it will be passed to me. I will likely give it to my children, although more likely my 

A Rewarding Experience – Shepherd’s Pie

A Rewarding Experience – Shepherd’s Pie

I must have been in first or second grade when I got honored for something I did. But for the life of me, I can’t tell you what it was. Maybe participation in a play? An award for something? I have no idea. All I 

Holiday Travel – Pickled Jalapeños

Holiday Travel – Pickled Jalapeños

I hate traveling on holiday weekends – Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving. Far too much hassle for far too little reward. The frustration of traffic or a crowded airport and airplane, with so little time at the destination, result in a cost far outweighing the 

Spider Salad and Olive Tarts – French Onion Soup Puff Pastry Tarts

Spider Salad and Olive Tarts – French Onion Soup Puff Pastry Tarts

If one were to peruse my three ring recipe binders they would find newspaper and magazine clippings, printouts from the internet, and hand scrawled lists and notes, and they would come across two very special recipes, one for Spider Salad and the other for Olive 

Thanksgivings Past and Early Thanksgiving Present – Lemongrass Meatballs

Thanksgivings Past and Early Thanksgiving Present – Lemongrass Meatballs

We recently held our annual Early Thanksgiving dinner – the 27th or 28th consecutive year we’ve hosted friends for a celebration weeks before the traditional holiday. Our gathering goes back to the days when supermarkets would entice shoppers with a free turkey. We weren’t going 

Middle School – Crisp-Skinned Chicken Thighs with Artichokes, Olives, and Onions

Middle School – Crisp-Skinned Chicken Thighs with Artichokes, Olives, and Onions

In my opinion there’s almost no stage in life worse than middle school. Zits are erupting; odors are wafting; hormones are raging; hairs are sprouting. Kids this age have no control and don’t really understand what’s happening to their bodies. It’s incredibly awkward. I went 

Jeanette vs. Ice Cream – Sarah’s S Cookies

Jeanette vs. Ice Cream – Sarah’s S Cookies

As little kids, my brothers and I must have been a grave disappointment to our maternal grandmother, Jeanette. She lived in a garden-style low-rise apartment complex in the decidedly non-glamorous section of Philadelphia’s Chestnut Hill neighborhood. As tradition had it, we frequently visited for dinner