What I appreciate about Chef Max’s cooking is its freshness and creativity. Using ingredients from different cultural markets, along with his own expansive garden you are guaranteed to have a fresh, delicious meal. Chef Max has inspired me to branch out of my own meal comfort zone.

–  Sandy S.


My wife and I have the incredibly good fortune to experience Chef Max’s culinary creations on a regular basis. His cooking seems so simple yet so elegant that it’s great on any occasion, whether it is a fancy sit down dinner, or standing around the kitchen counter eating finger food. One of the top 5 meals I have ever experienced was cooked by Chef Max – a tapas tasting menu that was absolutely unbelievable. We always look forward to what Max is making and we are always amazed.

–  Mike M.


Max’s passion for food, gardening, and culture emanates in all of his dishes.  In addition to being a wonderful person, he truly is an exceptional chef.  We have been fortunate to partake in many of his carefully curated menus of small plates and indulged by Max’s main courses.  Above all, whether we’re simply having appetizers or a five-course meal, Chef Max shares his love of food and makes each gathering a unique experience personalized to our tastes!

–  Sue R.


Combining an almost engineering precision for ingredient selection and meal composition, with an artistic acumen for presentation and taste, Chef Max creates satisfying culinary delights, the likes of which leave lasting memories.

–  David S.


To book a free consultation, please contact Chef Max here or at (631) 606-0551 or maxskitchenandgarden@gmail.com.

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