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Timing Is Everything – Wilted Spinach

Timing Is Everything – Wilted Spinach

There are some vegetables I don’t grow in my garden. It’s not for lack of trying or because I won’t eat the result. Rather, I just can’t get them to grow. I try for a few years. Nothing. Modify my technique. Failure. Finally, I give 

A Lesson From My Student – Persian Rice with Tahdig

A Lesson From My Student – Persian Rice with Tahdig

I talk to my high school Biology and Environmental Science students all the time about food, cooking, and my garden. I mean not all the time; we do have other work to do. But sometimes it does overlap with the course material. For example, I 

A Garden Story – Asparagus Bruschetta with Manchego, Tarragon, and Toasted Almonds

A Garden Story – Asparagus Bruschetta with Manchego, Tarragon, and Toasted Almonds

Asparagus, a perennial that returns year after year if properly cared for, is one of my most cherished crops. Last year in late spring, when the harvest was over and the plants were maturing, sending their frilly leaves out to collect sunlight to transport food 

My Favorite Bargain Kitchen Gifts for College Students Moving Out of Dorms, New Homeowners, and the Otherwise Uninformed

My Favorite Bargain Kitchen Gifts for College Students Moving Out of Dorms, New Homeowners, and the Otherwise Uninformed

As my children wind their way through and eventually graduate college, moving out of the dorm into shared apartments and houses, they are starting their first kitchens. To begin with, of course, their cupboards are bare. They have neither pot nor pan, not a dish 

There Is a Divide Among Us – Passover Farfel for Soup

There Is a Divide Among Us – Passover Farfel for Soup

There is a divide among us. Nothing serious, depressing, or consequential like the political chasm we currently face, but rather a divide about how we adorn our soup. There are those among us who top our soup with crackers, croutons, and fried noodles so we 

Mushroom Savvy – Mushrooms in Oyster Sauce

Mushroom Savvy – Mushrooms in Oyster Sauce

In my youth I can’t say that I was a fan of mushrooms. I would never eat them outright. If someone insisted on a pizza with mushrooms, I would reluctantly manage, although pizza-topping mushrooms back then were mostly wet, slimy, canned things, with little to 

A Silver Lining – Almond Fingers

A Silver Lining – Almond Fingers

As we approach a year of pandemic quarantining, hand sanitizing, and masks, it is wearing on us all more than ever. We are tired, lonely, and frankly a little depressed. We miss our friends and family and going out to a restaurant for a simple 

Sometimes a Sign – Turkey Meatballs In Romesco Sauce

Sometimes a Sign – Turkey Meatballs In Romesco Sauce

Small Plates Saturday Night has become a tradition in our household, even more so since the pandemic has made dining out a gamble we do not feel is worth the risk. I cook three, four, five, six small dishes, while relaxing and pushing the pressures 

Lee How Fook – Chicken and Mushroom Hot Pot with Baby Bok Choy

Lee How Fook – Chicken and Mushroom Hot Pot with Baby Bok Choy

My family has been eating at the same Chinese restaurant – Lee How Fook – going on 40 years. Located on the edge of Philadelphia’s Chinatown, generations of the same family have cooked for and served us, just as generations within my family have dined 

Labneh to Dip

Labneh to Dip

Every weekday it’s the same. I go to work and eat breakfast while I’m getting organized for the day. My meal is unchanged; varying only a few times over the course of my career. It almost always starts with a banana. Years ago, that was