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Carmine’s Garden – Tabouli

Carmine’s Garden – Tabouli

In the early 1990s, when my wife and I first moved in together, we rented the second floor of a big, old Victorian house painted white with brown trim, with creaky steps and uneven floors. Our landlord, Carmine, lived next door and our kitchen window 

The Best Garden Is An Herb Garden

The Best Garden Is An Herb Garden

I was cooking dinner for my family the other day and just before serving it, I knew the dish needed something. I ran to the garden to snip a handful of perfectly fresh herbs to sprinkle on top and complete the meal. One of my 

Good To The Last Bite – Cobb Salad

Good To The Last Bite – Cobb Salad

My wife and I are very compatible in general. Things that other couples fight about are not usually issues for us. For example, we share the same political point of view, which removes a tension found in many relationships. We have a similar sense of 

Garlic Scape Pesto

Garlic Scape Pesto

In early June, when the asparagus in the garden thin to the width of a pencil, their season has come to an end. As they fade until next year, new fruits and vegetables arise. The strawberries appear, bright red, juicy and delicious, ready to be 

Tracy’s Barbecue Sauce

Tracy’s Barbecue Sauce

I only met her once, but it was an important encounter. Tracy is a friend of a friend, and I can only remember one thing we talked about. She was funny and engaging and left an impression on me that I will never forget; however, 

Crispy Bits – Fried Tofu with Spicy-Sweet Dipping Sauce

Crispy Bits – Fried Tofu with Spicy-Sweet Dipping Sauce

Of all of the characteristics that make a morsel of food desirable, crispy bits reign supreme. I love the texture and flavor they bring to my dishes. Diners search it out in all kinds of foods, from the curliest, folded over potato chip in the 

A Riff On Philadelphia’s Other Sandwich – Chicken Cutlet, Garlic Kale, and Provolone

A Riff On Philadelphia’s Other Sandwich – Chicken Cutlet, Garlic Kale, and Provolone

I grew up in Philadelphia where the reining sandwiches are cheesesteaks and hoagies. However, there is another Philadelphia sandwich that gets far less attention – roast pork. Comparable in design to a cheesesteak or hoagie, thin sliced pork is stuffed into a long, crusty Italian 

He Should Have Eaten the Bacon – Wedge Salad

He Should Have Eaten the Bacon – Wedge Salad

My father’s friends Art and John had very different personalities. Art was a mild-mannered middle school math teacher and John was an ornery, drinking Quaker. Despite their differences in personality, they were the best of friends. Art feared death. He hated flying and was very 

Inauthentic Greek Salad

Inauthentic Greek Salad

What’s so difficult about Greek salad? It’s a salad with feta cheese. Right? Well, yes, but there’s more to it. I find there are a few simple tricks to go from a perfectly acceptable salad with feta cheese to a truly delicious Greek salad. First 

Small Plates Saturday Night – Chilled Avocado Soup with Seared Chipotle Corn and Lime Cream

Small Plates Saturday Night – Chilled Avocado Soup with Seared Chipotle Corn and Lime Cream

I’ve prepared small plates for my wife and friends on Saturday nights for years now, however it seems to have taken on more meaning during this coronavirus crisis. I always cook during the week, and the last couple of months were no exception. Since the