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A Change of Seasons – Greek Salad Quinoa

A Change of Seasons – Greek Salad Quinoa

As the angle of the sun dips on the horizon and the first golden hues shine from leaves that are nearing their end, the harvest from my garden changes from summer to fall crops. The shift is not sudden. Summer green beans, peppers, and tomatoes 

Variations on a Theme – Tomato with Fried Breadcrumbs and Basil Oil

Variations on a Theme – Tomato with Fried Breadcrumbs and Basil Oil

Many of the things we eat are variations on a theme; the same type of ingredient that gets spiced, sauced, or wrapped a little differently each time, but is still, if you break it down, a similar idea. There is a myriad of types of 

Seared Sea Scallops with Corn Puree and Fennel Pollen

Seared Sea Scallops with Corn Puree and Fennel Pollen

I didn’t have any relationship with scallops until I met them up close and personal. Scuba diving in shallow bays on the east end of Long Island, brushing aside blades of eelgrass, occasionally I would come across a bay scallop, laying on the estuary bottom, 

Hurricane Marilyn, Part 2 – Pecan-Crusted Chicken with Tropical Fruit

Hurricane Marilyn, Part 2 – Pecan-Crusted Chicken with Tropical Fruit

In September 1995 my wife Marci and I were starting our second year living on St. Thomas in the Caribbean. It was the heart of the Atlantic hurricane season and an extremely active year. This is part two of the letter I wrote to friends 

Hurricane Marilyn, Part 1 – Grilled Shrimp

Hurricane Marilyn, Part 1 – Grilled Shrimp

September 1995 was the beginning of our second year living on St. Thomas and I was about to start my second year teaching. I worked at a private K though 12 school attended by local children. It was the heart of the Atlantic hurricane season 

I Used To Think “Fresh Pickle” Was An Oxymoron – New Pickles

I Used To Think “Fresh Pickle” Was An Oxymoron – New Pickles

When I think of pickles, a variety of things come to mind, but “fresh” isn’t usually one of them. The synonym I’d more likely apply is “preserved.” Thoughts of pickles include big barrels on old sailing vessels; food made for long-term storage to be eaten 

My Late June Garden – A Quick Video Tour

I thought this week instead of telling a story or discussing my garden harvest and providing a recipe, I would give a quick video tour of my late June garden.     As I watch this video, shot almost two weeks ago, I note how 

Fish Dish – Seafood Salad

Fish Dish – Seafood Salad

In the spring of 1994, I became a student teacher in a suburban high school on Long Island. One of the first people I met would become my mentor. Tom was tall and lean. Very tall and very lean. He taught a marine science class, 

My Obsession With Broccoli Rabe – Pasta with Sausage and Broccoli Rabe

My Obsession With Broccoli Rabe – Pasta with Sausage and Broccoli Rabe

My wife Marci thinks I’m obsessed with broccoli rabe. Maybe that’s because I frequently order it as a side dish or in this pasta with sausage when we dine on Italian food, or because whenever I eat it, I proclaim my love for this incredible 

My Daughter’s Graduation

My Daughter’s Graduation

My daughter, Ariana, graduated from college this past weekend, which brings with it a tsunami of parental emotions. On one hand I am so proud of and in awe of the incredibly important and hard work that she did, while on the other hand, I