Tag: tomatillos

Green Chicken Enchiladas

Green Chicken Enchiladas

Some foods are so simple and obvious and delicious that you want to eat them all the time. These foods make so much sense that you think to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of this?” or “Why haven’t I been cooking this all of my 

Comfort Food – Green Chicken (Pollo Verde)

Comfort Food – Green Chicken (Pollo Verde)

When we had Green Chicken growing up, I never wanted to invite a friend over for dinner. I was even embarrassed to divulge what was for dinner if Green Chicken was on the menu. After all, what kid wants to eat Green Chicken? It sounds 

Pickled Tomatillos

Pickled Tomatillos

Tomatillos (sometimes called Mexican green tomatoes) are a funny fruit. Not particularly well-known or used in the US, they are a distant relative of tomatoes. They come encased in a papery husk that must be removed before they can be used. As a kid, we 

Salsa Verde – Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

Salsa Verde – Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

The first year I grew tomatillos, it was in a garden that happened to be on a nature preserve. I had a pretty good harvest. It was in the second year that I realized there was a problem. The tomatillos from the previous summer had