I have two rules for guacamole: 1) I love garlic, but it does not belong in guacamole, and 2) It must have cilantro – I can’t really do anything for the people who don’t like cilantro. Sorry. My recipe for guacamole is based on the …
I cook because I love to eat. I garden because I love to cook.
I am definitely a carnivore. I wish it wasn’t so, but alas, I do like eating meat and poultry. But I try to make several meat-free dinners a week and we have plenty of friends for whom I cook who are vegetarians. So this I …
People sometimes ask me about my favorite fruit or vegetable that I grow in the garden. Truthfully, the answer is whatever is ripe at the time. But, there are definitely some crops that rise above all others. For example, fresh garlic, which is sticky and …
I love growing garlic in my garden because it is the gift that keeps on giving. In early spring I can pick green garlic, whole immature plants that are similar to scallions, before the bulb forms into garlic cloves. July is the main harvest time …
This past weekend, my son called for the recipes for chicken tacos and guacamole. As a father who likes to cook, I am thrilled to share my recipes with him. He just finished his freshman year at college. The dorm food seemed fine; overall he …
Foraging is the art of going out in the wild to search for items to consume; think searching for wild mushrooms. If you read food magazines, you know it has become very popular lately. You can even take classes on local foraging in a lot …
A is for asparagus, the first vegetable of spring. B is for…oh, never mind. Let’s stick with asparagus for a while. It’s coming up in the garden right now and will only be here for a few weeks. It lets me know that I will …
As I started working outside a few weeks ago to get the garden ready for spring planting, I remembered from last season that some of my raised beds needed replacing. The soil in them was fine, it’s that the wood was starting to rot away, …
My 17 year-old daughter is obsessed with tacos. Like a serious teenager in love with a movie star, except it’s a taco infatuation. She searches them out at taquerias and divey Mexican restaurants wherever she goes. She’s in Brooklyn visiting friends. “What did you eat?” …
It’s early April, so it’s time to get the garden going. While there are only a handful of plants I can place in the ground now, I can start many of my summer crops inside from seed. Many gardeners prefer the ease of going to …